OMA joined ELITE

March 08 2019

OMA joined ELITE, a platform for ambituious companies, to foster innovation and enhance growth

OMA joined ELITE

OMA joined ELITE

OMA officially took part of ELITE: an international program of the London Stock Exchange Group, established in the Italian Stock Exchange in 2012 with the collaboration of Confindustria.

The program is dedicated to ambitious companies, with a solid business model and a clear growth strategy. ELITE counts 1,104 companies and 678 of them are Italian.

The entry into the platform of 21 new companies, including OMA, took place thanks to the strategic partnership with Banca Mediolanum for the launch of the first ELITE Mediolanum Lounge.

Through the global network of ELITE, OMA will increase its international visibility, as well as access to a series of tools and support services, aimed to accelerate the challenging growth and development path that OMA has decided to pursue.


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